I'm a pretty fast knitter, so I'm almost done with the first one. I've made quite a few adjustments to the pattern (both to better fit my rather reedy arms and just for general preference), so I may end up writing up the changes and make up my own pattern later.
In other news, I've been helping out to plan a friend's brother's wedding celebration. They are Indian, which is interesting because their own wedding customs differ from our Western ones quite a bit. Specifically she is in change of a sort of pre-wedding party, which I've been invited to. After rifling around a bit, I discovered an early 2000's-era dress a friend donated which has some lovely embroidery that has some faintly Indian feel.
The only issue is that the built in bra cups (its strapless) are too large for me and slightly misshapen after being stuffed in a closet for so many years. It also needs some major zipper surgery, which will probably mean I'll replace it. I'm considering taking out the cups, which is difficult since they are sewn to the lining in a slightly odd way. My other option is the more aggressive revision of just removing the top part of the dress entirely and making a high-waisted skirt. I'll sleep on it, but the party is in early December so I'll get to work soon.